Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Welcome to my new blog! Please be patient with me as I navigate the waters over here, I'm a slow learner. This is a new ride for all of us, but I'm glad I have you with me on this journey from AOL......anyone have any Dramamine? :) Please make sure to join my "follower" list so I have an easy way to check journals.


Kathy said...

Your journal is beautiful. You are NOT a slow learner... I'm so impressed with your graphics and the colors are beautiful!

Hugs, Kathy

Mandy said...

Your blog is looking good!

I've decided to move over to Blogger so i'll leave you my link:


Hugs x

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Good Morning ! I found your new journal! 'On Ya' - ma

Linda said...

I will be following you over here now! Linda

Jeannette said...

I wish I could make my journal look like yours but I am still struggling with the basics.

I have changed my blog address, you will find the link on Jeannette's Jottings.

Traci said...

Here I am!

Emmi said...

Your no slow learner. You have more beauty on yours than I do mine.

Janis said...

It looks great! Took me years to figure this one out! :)lol

Keep in touch!


Sugar said...

howdy! just stopping in to say hi, i made the trip too.

Sage Ravenwood said...

Doing the happy dance! Yippee I found you over here. (wipes brow) what a relief. I love you dear friend. (Hugs)Indigo

Anonymous said...

You did a wonderful job with your new journal! I love it! I'll be making up my own soon.
Love you, Pam

Ericanbiloxi said...

I love the new journal....I am so happy you are over here momma-pooh


Missie said...

I'm here! I've been so busy trying to figure this stuff out, it's 12pm and I'm not dressed yet! LOL

Monica said...

Beautiful new spot you have here. I still have to create a personal blog here. I'll be following you here!


Estela said...

okay.. so there are some things I like about this new blog site. I know this is just like my new cell phone.... once it becomes second nature, it'll all be good.

D said...

gotcha :)

Christy said...

Linda so glad I found you!!! I've been writing over here for a few years now (going between aol and blogger). Come visit me! :)

Eva said...

So glad your here. I don't know what I would have done if you just disappeared. Hope everything's going good.

Love and Hugs, Eva

Heavenlybama said...

I'm here. Love your new digs!

Joyce said...

I got you set up Linda. I don't know if a Dramamine will help much but I'll try anything at this point. I actually don't think this is going to be so bad once we all get our groove on.
Hugs, Joyce

Anonymous said...

you appear to be a fast learner!!!

Diana said...

I love your new blog!! I'm still trying to set mine up!! Have a good one!!
